[Xotcl] Some fixes to xodoc

Kristoffer Lawson setok at fishpool.com
Thu Dec 21 02:11:44 CET 2000

Attached to this post I have a slightly fixed version of xodoc. I did the
following corrections/additions:

- Added space between the different "sections" of class
descriptions. Ie. as in the following case:

@ Class Foo {
  description {blah}
  errors {foo}

It would just stick 'description' and 'errors' on to the same line.

- Added functionality to handle optional procedure arguments. Ie. as in
thee following case:

@ Foo instproc {arg1 {arg2 ""}} {}

Now it marks arg2 as optional with the standard Tcl syntax, and also
automatically specifies the default value along with the description.

- Added some special handling for the section 'errorCodes' in a
class. These error codes are the things you can give with the
[error] command to give a code to the error, so catching is
easier. Ie. the following:

@ Class Foo {
  description {blah} 
  errorCodes {
    MyAppError {
      Used for sending errors my application specifically

What I didn't do:

I was going to add an extension facility so that applications could
specify their own handler-objects for certain special sections. Like in
Class Foo above I might have a section {Attribute Aliases} in addition to
errorCodes (as I do). I would like to specify a AttrAliasDocHandle object,
for example, which would have the method "toHtml" (if outputting HTML)
that gets called when the section {Attribute Aliases} is encountered, with
the data passed to it as an argument. This would then return a nice HTML
table documenting my aliases.

The syntax to create an extension might be something like this:

@ @DocExtension Class {Attribute Aliases} AttrAliasDocHandle

I would have done this myself but it's already late (3am) and I really
desperately need to continue my real work. If anyone feels like
implementing that, then feel free... Otherwise I'll just have to get back
to it at some later time :-(

         -     ---------- = = ---------//--+
         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |  www.fishpool.fi|.com
         +-> |    setok at fishpool.com       |  - - --+------
             |-- Fishpool Creations Ltd - /         |
             +-------- = - - - = ---------      /~setok/
-------------- next part --------------
# $Id: xodoc.xotcl,v 1.7 2000/11/29 22:20:15 neumann Exp $
package provide xoDoc 0.82 
#package require trace

@ @File {
  description {
    XOTcl documentation tool. Overloads the command @, which is used
    as a documentation token. 

Class DocToken -parameter {
  {name ""}
  {docProperties ""}

DocToken proc sortTokenList l {
  foreach t $l {
    set names([$t set name]) $t
  set sortedName [lsort [array names names]]
  set sortedList ""
  foreach n $sortedName {
    lappend sortedList [set names($n)]
  return $sortedList

DocToken instproc evaluateDoc doc {
  foreach {p v} $doc {
    [self] set $p $v
    [self] lappend docProperties $p
DocToken instproc capitalize string {
  if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
    string toupper $string 0 0
  } else {
    return "[string toupper [string range $string 0 0]][string range $string 1 end]"

@ DocToken instproc getDocPropertiesHTML {} {
    description {
	Returns list of properties as HTML.
DocToken instproc getDocPropertiesHTML {} {
    set c ""
    foreach p [[self] set docProperties] { 
	if {[[self] exists $p]} {
	    append c "<p><em>" [[self] capitalize $p] ":</em>" 
	    if {[string equal $p "errorCodes"]} {
		# Build table with list of error codes.
		append c "<blockquote><table>"
		foreach {code desc} [[self] set $p] {
		    set code [string map [list < &lt\; > &gt\;] $code]
		    set desc [string map [list < &lt\; > &gt\;] $desc]
		    append c "<tr><td valign=\"top\"><b>$code</b><td>$desc"
		append c "</table></blockquote>"
	    } else {
		append c [[self] reflowHTML "   " [[self] set $p]] \n\n

    return $c

DocToken instproc reflowHTML {left paragraph} {
  #set result ""
  #foreach line [split $paragraph \n] {
  #  if {![regexp {^ *$} $line]} {
  #    append result "$left$line<br>\n"
  #  }
  #return $result
  return $paragraph

Class DocFile -superclass DocToken
DocFile instproc printHTML {} {
  set c "<br><b> Filename: </b> <A href='[[self] set name]'>[[self] set name]</A>
  append c "[[self] getDocPropertiesHTML] <br>\n"
  return $c

Class DocPackage -superclass DocToken -parameter {
  {version ""}
  {type ""}

Class DocObj -superclass DocToken -parameter {
  {procList ""}
DocObj instproc getProcsHTML {} {
  set c ""
  set pl [DocToken sortTokenList [[self] procList]]
  if {[[self] istype DocCl]} {
    set pl [concat [DocToken sortTokenList [[self] instprocList]] $pl]
  foreach p $pl {
    set pn [$p set name]
    set label($pn) "<a href=\"#[[self] set name]-$pn\">$pn</a>"
  foreach l [lsort [array names label]] {
    if {$c != ""} {append c ", "}
    append c $label($l)
  if {$c != ""} {append c "."}
  return $c
DocObj instproc printHTML {} {
  set c "<a name=\"[[self] set name]\"></a><h2> Object: <em> [[self] set name] </em> </h2>\n"
  if {[[self] exists cl]} {
    append c "<b>Class</b>: [[self] set cl] <br>\n"
  if {[[self] exists heritage]} {
    append c "<b>Heritage</b>: [[self] set heritage] <br>\n"

  set head "<b> Procs </b> "
  if {[[self] istype DocCl]} {
    set head "<b> Procs/Instprocs: </b> "
  append c "$head \n [[self] getProcsHTML]" \
       "<br><p>\n" \
      [[self] getDocPropertiesHTML]
  return $c

Class DocCl -superclass DocObj -parameter {
  {instprocList ""}
DocCl instproc init args {
  [self] set obj [[self class] autoname clobj]
DocCl instproc printHTML {} {
  regsub "<h2> Object:" [next] "<h2> Class:" r
  return $r
Class DocMetaCl
DocMetaCl instproc printHTML {} {
  regsub "<h2> Class:" [next] "<h2> Meta-Class:" r
  return $r

Class DocMethod -superclass DocToken -parameter {

# Prints out method information as HTML.
DocMethod instproc printHTML {} {
  #[self] showVars
  set argText "\n"
  set a "<td><em>Arguments:</em> </td>"

  set anchor "[[self] set obj]-[[self] set name]"
  set c "<a name=\"$anchor\"></a>\n<li><b>[[self] set name] "

  if {[[self] exists arguments]} {
    foreach {arg argD} [[self] set arguments] {
	if {[llength $arg] > 1} {
	    # A default value was given to the argument.
	    append c " <em>?[lindex $arg 0]?</em>"
	    append argText "<tr valign=\"top\">$a<td>"
	    append argText "<b>?[lindex $arg 0]?</b>:" \
		[[self] reflowHTML "   " \
		     "$argD Default: \"[lindex $arg 1]\"."] \
	} else {
	    append c " <em>$arg</em>"
	    append argText "<tr valign=\"top\">$a<td><b>$arg</b>: " \
		"[[self] reflowHTML "   " $argD]</td></tr>\n"
	set a "<td></td>"
  append c " </b><br>\n<table>\n" \
      $argText [[self] getDocPropertiesHTML] \n \
      </table> \n
  return $c

Class DocProc -superclass DocMethod
Class DocInstproc -superclass DocMethod

@ Class XODoc { description "Handler class for building a documentation database" }

Class XODoc -parameter {
  {objList ""}
  {packageList ""}
  {knownMetaclasses "Class"}
  {ns ""}

XODoc instproc init args {

@ XODoc proc documentFileAsHTML {file "filename of the xotcl file to be documented"
			   docdir "directory to which the html file is written"} {
  description "Uses the xoDoc package to produce an HTML documentation of
               a specified file ***.xotcl. The file is written to ***.html
               in docdir"
  return "file basename without suffix"

XODoc proc documentFileAsHTML {file docdir} {
  set docdb [XODoc [XODoc autoname docdb]]
  ::@ set xoDocObj $docdb
  $docdb readFile $file
  set fb $file
  regexp {([^/]*)\.[^.]*$} $fb _ fb
  $docdb writeFile ${docdir}/$fb.html $fb [$docdb printHTML]
  $docdb destroy
  return $fb

XODoc instproc handleMethod {obj type name {argList ""} {doc ""}} {
  #puts stderr "+++Method $type $name $argList $doc"
  set procClass DocProc; set objCl DocObj
  if {$type == "instproc"} {set procCl DocInstproc; set objCl DocCl}
  set t [$procClass create [[self] autoname t]]
  set n [$t set name [string trimleft $name :]]
  $t set obj $obj

  set objFound 0
  foreach o [[self] set objList] {
    if {[$o set name] == $obj} {
      set objFound 1
      if {$type == "instproc" && ![$o istype DocCl]} {
	$o class DocCl
  if {$objFound == 0} {
    set o [$objCl create [[self] autoname t]]
    $o set name $obj
    [self] lappend objList $o
  $o lappend ${type}List $t

  $t set arguments $argList 

  $t evaluateDoc $doc

XODoc instproc handleObj {class name args} {
  [self] instvar knownMetaclasses objList extensions
  set objCl DocObj
  if {[lsearch $class $knownMetaclasses] != -1} {
    set objCl DocCl
  # if an instproc/proc has created an entry for this obj/class
  # -> use it and overwrite it with new info
  if {[set idx [lsearch $name $objList]] != -1} {
    set t [lindex $objList $idx]
    $t class $objCl
  } else {
    set t [$objCl create [[self] autoname t]]
    [self] lappend objList $t

  $t set name $name

  set la [llength $args]

  # evaluate -superclass argument
  if {($la == 3 || $la == 2) && [lindex $args 0] == "-superclass"} {
    set heritage [$t set heritage [lindex $args 1]]
    foreach h $heritage {
      if {[lsearch $h $knownMetaclasses] != -1} {
	# A new metaclass was defined
	lappend knownMetaclasses $name
	$t class DocMetaCl

  # evaluate documentation
  set doc ""
  if {$la == 1} {
    set doc [lindex $args 0]
  } elseif {$la == 3} {
    set doc [lindex $args 2]
  $t evaluateDoc $doc
  $t set cl $class

  #puts stderr "+++Obj $name $args"

XODoc instproc handleFile doc {
  if {[[self] exists fileToken]} {
    [[self] set fileToken] evaluateDoc $doc

XODoc instproc handlePackage args {
  #puts "$args"
  if {[llength $args] > 2} {
    set type [lindex $args 1]
    if {$type == "provide" || $type == "require"} {
    set t [DocPackage create [[self] autoname t]]
      [self] lappend packageList $t
      $t set name [lindex $args 2]
      $t set type $type
      if {[llength $args] > 3} {
	$t set version [lindex $args 3]

XODoc instproc printHTML {} {
    [self] instvar extensions
  set c "<h2> Package/File Information </h2>"

  [self] instvar packageList
  if {[llength $packageList] > 0} {
    foreach t $packageList {
      if {[$t type] == "provide"} {
	append c "<b> Package provided: </b> [$t name] [$t version]<br>\n"
      } elseif {[$t type] == "require"} {
	append c "<b> Package required: </b> [$t name] [$t version]<br>\n"
  } else {
    append c "<b> No package provided/required </b><br>\n"

    if {[info exists extensions]} {
	# Add list of extensions.
	foreach extension $extensions {
	    append c "<hr>"
	    append c "<h2>Document extension: <em>[$extension name]</em></h2>"
	    append c "<em>Description:</em> [$extension description]"

  set objList [DocToken sortTokenList [[self] objList]]

  if {[llength $objList]>0} {
    append c "<br><b>Defined Objects/Classes: </b> \n<ul>"
    foreach obj $objList {
      set on [$obj set name]
      append c "  <li><a href=\"#$on\"><em>$on</em></a>: \
	[$obj getProcsHTML]<br>\n"
    append c "</ul>\n"

  if {[[self] exists fileToken]} {
    append c "[[[self] set fileToken] printHTML]<br>"
  } else {
    append c "<b> No file information. </b><br>\n"

  foreach t $objList {
    append c "<p><hr><p>\n" [$t printHTML]
    set pl [$t set procList]

    if {[$t istype DocCl]} {
      set ipl [$t set instprocList]
      if {[llength $ipl] > 0} {
	append c "<h3>Instprocs</h3>\n<ul>\n"
	foreach s $ipl {
	  append c [$s printHTML]
	append c "</ul>\n"

    if {[llength $pl] > 0} {
      append c "<h3>Procs</h3>\n<ul>\n"
      foreach s $pl {
	append c [$s printHTML]
      append c "</ul>\n"
    #append c "<hr>\n"
  return $c

XODoc instproc getCommand {content} {
  upvar $content c
  [self] instvar cmd
  if {[set line [string first "\n" $c]] != -1} {
    append cmd [string range $c 0 $line] \n
    set c [string range $c [expr $line + 1] end]
    if {[info complete $cmd]} {
      set r $cmd; set cmd ""
      return $r
  } else {
    return ""
  [self] getCommand c

XODoc instproc evaluateCommands {c} {
  while 1 {
    set command [[self] getCommand c]
    if {$command == ""} {
    #puts stderr "$command==========================="
    if {[regexp "^ *:*@ " $command]} {
      #puts stderr "$command==========================="
      eval $command
    } elseif {[regexp "^ *package " $command]} {
      #puts stderr "$command==========================="
      eval [self] handlePackage $command
    } elseif {[regexp "^ *namespace *eval *(\[^\{\]*) *\{(.*)\}\[^\}\]*$" $command _ namespace nsc]} {
      #puts stderr "$command==========================="
      [self] evaluateCommands $nsc 
XODoc instproc readFile name {
  [self] set cmd ""

  set t [DocFile create [[self] autoname t]]  
  $t set name $name
  [self] set fileToken $t

  set f [open $name r]
  set c [read $f]
  close $f
  [self] evaluateCommands $c

XODoc instproc replaceFormatTags {fc} {
  regsub -all <@ $fc < fc
  regsub -all </@ $fc </ fc
  return $fc

XODoc instproc writeFile {filename name filecontent} {
    #set filename [[self] set DOCDIR]/$name.html

  set filecontent [[self] replaceFormatTags $filecontent]

    set content {
<title>XOTcl - Documentation -- $name</title>
<body bgcolor=FFFFFF>
<h1><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE SRC = "./logo-100.jpg">$name</h1>


<a HREF="./index.html">Back to index page.</a>

    set content [subst -nobackslashes -nocommands $content]
    #puts $content
    set f [open $filename w]
    puts $f $content
    close $f

Class XODocCmd -parameter {
  {xoDocObj ""}
XODocCmd instproc unknown args {
    [self] instvar xoDocObj
    if {[llength $args] > 1} {
	switch [lindex $args 1] {
	    proc - instproc {
		return [eval $xoDocObj handleMethod $args]
	    default {
		switch [lindex $args 0] {
		    @File {
			return [$xoDocObj handleFile [lindex $args 1]]
		    default {
			return [eval $xoDocObj handleObj $args]
    puts stderr "Unknown documentation: '$args'"
XODocCmd @

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