[Xotcl] Probable bug: no method calls with "next" & init

Gustaf Neumann Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 22:28:18 +0100 (CET)

>>>>> "RH" == Rick Hedin <rhedin@aquifer.geology.uiuc.edu> writes:

RH> Hi Kristoffer.
RH> This behavior seems correct.  You are trying to pass three arguments:
RH>     1. myArg  2. -whatever  3. niceSystem
RH> to one formal parameter:
RH>     arg
RH> We could send one argument:
RH>     next {myArg -whatever niceSystem}
  in the general case, you will prefer
        next [list myArg -whatever niceSystem]
  to get the tcl substitions correct.
RH> or use the special properties of the args keyword:
RH>     Foo instproc init {args} {  . . .
RH> Am I looking at this right?
  technically yes.
  Somehow, i have the feeling, that Kristoffer intended a class to the
  method "whatever". Why not use:                    

     Class Bar -superclass Foo
     Bar instproc init {} {
       next myArg
       [self] whatever niceSystem