[Xotcl] Re: [Xotcl] Re: Probable bug: no method calls with "next" & init

Gustaf Neumann Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Tue, 6 Feb 2001 00:05:10 +0100 (CET)

KL> Btw. any ideas when 8.4 will be out? The bug with the destruction of
KL> objects and error handling is causing some small headaches in the
KL> debugging phase of code here. I really hate to pressure you like this, but
KL> I need to be able to look forward to a bright future when I get into that
KL> situation, so I can say "Oh, it'll be alright soon" when I stumble across
KL> that situation. No panics though.

 we have done a substantial redesign of object and class
 creation/recreation/deletion. Many things that were hard-wired before
 are now modifiable from within XOTcl. We have now a solution that
 looks promising to both, the "[self] destroy" problems and the issue
 of recreating classes and objects. We have still the hope to get the
 next release this week done. i can't name dates for now, but 0.84
 will be out soon.
