[Xotcl] Problem with info args

Kristoffer Lawson setok@fishpool.com
Sat, 17 Feb 2001 04:18:27 +0200 (EET)


Class Foo

Foo instproc init {} {
  puts [[self] info args myMethod]

Foo instproc myMethod {anArgument} {}
Foo ob
==> expected a tcl method name but got myMethod

This works as expected if I simply create an Object as follows:

Object foo
foo proc myMethod {anArgument} {}
foo info args myMethod
==> anArgument

Is this behaviour to be expected, and if so, why?

         -     ---------- = = ---------//--+
         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |  www.fishpool.fi|.com
         +-> |    setok@fishpool.com       |  - - --+------
             |-- Fishpool Creations Ltd - /         |
             +-------- = - - - = ---------      /~setok/