[Xotcl] Debian packages of xotcl 0.83

Teemu Hukkanen tjhukkan@fishpool.fi
05 Jan 2001 23:08:43 +0200

I've made debian packages of xotcl 0.83 available under the following
apt sources.list lines:

deb http://bugger.fishpool.fi/debian tcl /
deb-src http://bugger.fishpool.fi/debian tcl /

Known issues include:
- Lack of manpages for the binaries
- Tclexpat. There is a separate package of tclexpat in debian. Does
  xotcl need another copy?
- Gdbm modules. Gdbm 1.8 is not packaged in debian, 1.7 is, but xotcl
  uses gdbm 1.8 specific things

Of these, the first one is important, the other two are not.
When I get a manpage and some successful test reports, I'll upload them
to debian proper.