[Xotcl] Re: [Xotcl] Re: [Xotcl] European Tcl meeting

Kristoffer Lawson setok@fishpool.com
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 15:19:06 +0200 (EET)

On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, Uwe Zdun wrote:

> we were discussing to submit something, but aren't sure about that yet. 

Well even if it was just a "this is what we've done since last year"
thing, that would be great. Just to have some presence there, and to
meet the developers ;-)

> It 
> would be great if someone else could also present something, as Kristoffer 
> suggested. 

If XOTcl itself had a presence it might be worthwhile sticking several
things together. Ie. have an intro to XOTcl and then let people
stand up to tell the crowd(?) what they're using XOTcl for. I definitely
volunteer to take part -- although the thing we're doing is quite large
so I could probably present it independently too, if we go along that

         -     ---------- = = ---------//--+
         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |  www.fishpool.fi|.com
         +-> |    setok@fishpool.com       |  - - --+------
             |-- Fishpool Creations Ltd - /         |
             +-------- = - - - = ---------      /~setok/