[Xotcl] Xotcl IDE

Artur Trzewik mail@xdobry.de
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 20:22:50 +0100


I learn Xotcl in my study time. A was a student of prof. Neumann.
Now I work with Smalltalk.
After I have get some experience with Smalltalk environments I noticed
that xotcl is ideal to build such developing systems as Smalltalk have.
It means it is dynamically and has introspection functionality.

I wrote the first Browsers now. It is the first attempt but it can
be already used for developing (or browsing Xotcl)

I named the application XotclIDE
the tar archive can be downloaded from


I am interested in suggestion for next developing.
Share your experience with xotclIDE

On my site are also another xotcl development (Database application xdobry)
with such goodies as
- factory classes for building gui from XML
- Xotcl database interface to mysql, postgres
- GUI builder (yes with drag and drop)
- Xotcl wrapper library for tk,tix
I plan to add it (after refactoring) to xotclIDE

 Artur Trzewik 