[Xotcl] possible bug?

Krzysztof Frukacz frukacz.krzysztof at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 16:15:50 CET 2011


I attach a few files that will demonstrate the problem. Just run tester.tcl
On my PC the effect is that I get an error message:

::tmp1: unable to dispatch method 'testA'
     while executing
"tmp1 testA"

The problem is that tmp1 is of class B and should be able to call testA, 
which is defined its superclass - A.

I have found that the problem is source command, which includes file 
a.xotcl several times in several different files. I don't understand 
however why the message from interpreter says that it cannot find proc 
testA - this doesn't make sense.

Is there a "nice" method to avoid this? Like in C we use #define and #ifndef

Krzysztof Frukacz
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