[Xotcl] European Tcl meeting

Kristoffer Lawson setok@fishpool.com
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 00:59:08 +0200 (EET)

Is there any plans for an XOTcl presence there? I was thinking of going
and it'd be great to meet the developers and/or users. It might also be
worthwhile presenting some systems people have used XOTcl for, along with
an actual presentation of the project.

         -     ---------- = = ---------//--+
         |    /     Kristoffer Lawson      |  www.fishpool.fi|.com
         +-> |    setok@fishpool.com       |  - - --+------
             |-- Fishpool Creations Ltd - /         |
             +-------- = - - - = ---------      /~setok/