[Xotcl] Delegation

Kristoffer Lawson setok at fishpool.com
Tue Apr 8 00:25:41 CEST 2003

I've been looking at Snit recently and there are definite benefits from
being able to use delegation -- it allows the combination of objects from
Snit with other object-like commands in Tcl (which there are definitely
quite a few of).

I believe XOTcl could possibly benefit from this extra style. Naturally it
would be really easy to do with filters and the unknown mechanism (as I
was thinking of doing with Tk at one point), but perhaps there could be
some use for an "official" approach to that. I'm not sure if this would be
seen as polluting XOTcl or making it overly complex (I still believe in
keeping things as simple as possible). Possibly it could
be provided as a pure-XOTcl capability.

Just a thought.

                              / http://www.fishpool.com/~setok/

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