[Xotcl] Bug: configure step chooses wrong tclsh [REASONING]

Jim Lynch jim at jam.sessionsnet.org
Fri Apr 9 16:04:58 CEST 2004


I've been talking to people on the irc channel, Jeff Hobbs among them,
about the tclsh issue. Jeff's contention, as far as I understand it, is
that if tclsh is not used to actually load the extension it's building,
any tclsh will do, and that the TEA_PROG_TCLSH macro uses a more correct
ordering to find tclsh: so long as the supplied tclConfig.sh refers to
its tclsh, that tclsh ought to be found first.

Among other things, I'm now trying to determine whether the build process
of xotcl actually needs that specific tclsh or not; right now my guess
is that it does.


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