AW: [Xotcl] destroy invoked by object move?

Kristoffer Lawson setok at
Sun Mar 19 12:08:40 CET 2006

On 19 Mar 2006, at 00:12, Scott Gargash wrote:
> When would you need the namespace of the object?  If all you have  
> is the reference (the handle is truly opaque), you'd have no  
> knowledge of the namespace of the object.  Containment would have  
> to be implemented instead of just inferred, but if it's implemented  
> it could have new properties.
I have only ever needed the namespace of an object which attaching  
traces to variables (f.ex. with Tk), but for that it is,  
unfortunately quite necessary.
> As an aside, I find Tcl's lack of true references to be one of its  
> nagging flaws.
Yes, this is a problem. If Tcl had proper references then we could do  
garbage collection for objects. The problem is that Tcl's principle  
of everything being a string kind of conflicts with references.  
References can be represented as strings, although not very useful  
strings, but they really aren't strings. I mean, if the string output  
for a reference is 0x123456, but I generated that through some other  
string operations (or, say we lose the original Tcl object through  
various operations) then that will no longer necessarily work as a  
reference if the original is gone.

This is particularly problematic as Tcl still has quite a habit of  
losing that original representation which naturally I hope will be  
reduced in the future.


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