[Xotcl] filters and next

Andriy Tkachuk ant at imt.com.ua
Wed Apr 17 17:46:34 CEST 2002

Hello! :)

How it must works, when in pre/post part of filter
object calls his procs that calls next?
Situation like here:

Class A
A instproc msg msg {
        puts "puts: $msg"

Class B -superclass A
B instproc msg msg {

B instproc my_filter args {
        my msg "before next in filter"

B b

b filter my_filter
b msg bb
puts: before next in filter

that's all!: there is no "puts: bb".

if filter like this:

B instproc my_filter args {
        my msg "before next in filter"
        my msg "after next in filter"

"too many nested calls to Tcl_EvalObj"

Thank you.

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